Unfortunate Acronym for Old Vine Cafe Created by Coast Magazine

I'm not exactly sure who the audience of the Orange County Register-owned lifestyle magazine Coast is supposed to be, at least not when compared with that of the county's other two lifestyle mags, Orange Coast (middle-aged folks with some money and people who like to read good journalism) and Riviera (super-rich women of the youngster and MILF variety). But whomever constitutes the average Coast reader, I'm sure the editors of the magazine never expect them to venture outside of South County. That much is evidenced by an August 2008 review of the Costa Mesa gem Old Vine Cafe that hangs on its walls, an article I saw today while eating their sliced-in-four pieces four-cheese sandwich bomb (complete with pomodoro dipping sauce!).

The Coast review was unsurprisingly complimentary, as only morons can find fault with this bistro. But where the reviewer erred was in constantly referring to Old Vine as OVC, its natural acronym. Problem is, that three-letter sequence is already claimed in the Orange County galaxy by Orange Varrio Cypress, a gang that the district attorney's office recently slapped with an injunction. Thankfully, everyone I know calls Old Vine Cafe plain ol' Old Vine and doesn't resort to such cholo chicanery.

One more thing about that four-cheese sandwich: best cheese sandwich right now in O.C. Go, and if someone hits you up, shoot back “Puro Old Vine Cafe rifa, ese.”

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