Top Chef: Just Desserts…ANOTHER Top Chef Spin-Off

Hot off the announcement that Top Chef Masters is going to be getting a second season, Bravo is developing ANOTHER spin-off. What is it? Take the original Top Chef recipe, add a pinch of Ace of Cakes, maybe a few telegenic hotties that look like Jennifer Aniston and BAM! (with apologies to Emeril), you get Top Chef: Just Desserts, which is a delicious pun, I admit.

The new show, of course, will feature pastry chefs, and is now holding auditions. Desserts, as you know, has never been the strong suit of any of cheftestants thus far. Foams yes; meringues, not so much.

I should've seen this coming. After all Bravo is owned by NBC Universal, who's all about franchising (ahem, overextending) its hits. Think of Law N Order and the children it begat. Law N Order: SVU, Law N Order: Criminal Intent, Law N Order: Escape from Guantanamo Bay. I made that last one up, but still.

I predict the same thing with Top Chef.

Top Chef: Just Desserts is just for, um, starters.

Secretly, I'm looking forward to the day they ask back the losers (you know those cheftestants who got the boot first) for a spin-off entitled Top Chef: Just Bring Me The Check.

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