One of the hottest sites tagged on right now is the aptly named food blog called “This is why you're fat.” It only began this month, but so far it's got the momentum of a greasy chili dog racing through a fat man's digestive system.
It's just a very simple format of pictures coupled with a few words explaining what it is your looking at. Some are vomit-inducing, others are downright intriguing…most are both. But once in a while I see an item that's actually made me say to myself, “Hmm, I wouldn't mind losing a colon for that!”
Some of the insanity that's made me spew milk out of my nose:
– The McNuggetini
– Sloppy Joe On A Krispy Kreme
– Mega Double Stuff Oreo
– Turbaconucken
– Deep Fried Coca-Cola
– 60 Pound Rice Krispy Treat
– Sloppy Joe On A Krispy Kreme
– Mega Double Stuff Oreo
– Turbaconucken
– Deep Fried Coca-Cola
– 60 Pound Rice Krispy Treat
And of course, who could forget the Bacon Explosion.
Mark my words: This. Is. Gonna. Be. Big.
Before becoming an award-winning restaurant critic for OC Weekly in 2007, Edwin Goei went by the alias “elmomonster” on his blog Monster Munching, in which he once wrote a whole review in haiku.