Orange County's Food Banks Need You!

We talk a lot about great places to eat, both cheap and not, and about farmers' markets and food trends (cupcakes, the guy with the hook is standing just off-stage…) and where to get the very best this or that, but not everyone has the luxury of being able to afford to do that.

Please think about donating to a food bank or soup kitchen this holiday season. Every little bit helps, and it's a good deed, whether you call it alms, tzedakah, charity or just plain generosity.

Honestly, while can drives and shelf-stable baskets of food all help, the single best donation you can make is money. Food banks don't eat up much money in administrative overhead, and the people who run them are unbelievably good at turning cash into the maximum amount of food possible. A gift of food will be used to feed people for the holidays; a gift of money can be used after the holidays, because the hungry don't magically disappear on January 2.

I'm not going to single out any one food bank for special attention, because every food bank can use your help, but if you need suggestions, please leave a comment.

Thanks, happy holidays, and now back to your normal irreverent Stick A Fork In It.

One Reply to “Orange County's Food Banks Need You!”

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