Kingdom of Salt at Freshia Market

If you want deals for serranos, go to a Mexican supermarket. Curry spices? Laxmi Sweets and Spices. Ramen? Mitsuwa. Salt? As I've discovered by accident, Freshia Market in Tustin.

I was at the Korean market to buy some burdock for my chica, and she also asked for a couple of other spices. Turns out Koreans aren't into parsley, because I couldn't find any–at least the dried variety. I knew they'd stock salt since every cuisine I know uses the condiment, but the variety! Nearly half an aisle of the stuff, in cans, in bags, in containers. Sea salt, pink salt, regular salt, salt that promised vitamins. And the prices! Three bucks for a three-pound bag of sea salt, wonderful sea salt that would run double or triple at Whole Paycheck. And all I was looking for was some Morton's.

In retrospect, I should've expected the bounty–hello, kimchi?! And know ustedes gentle readers know why I don't cook…

Freshia Market, 14551 Red Hill Ave., Tustin, (714) 368-7727.

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