From “French 75” to “75 Laguna Beach” to “French 75” Again

In keeping with theme of everything old is new again (remember this post about Savannah at the Beach becoming Chimayo again?), it was announced last week that Culinary Adventures, that restaurant empire that once had four French 75's in its repertoire, has bought the once independent 75 Laguna Beach, which was previously French 75 up until six months ago.


Well it's simple really, the same menu that Chef Mitch Gillan developed as an independent still applies (for now), but now with a new Culinary Adventures pricing plan called Roaring 20s, where four items (the halibut, the chicken, the shellfish, and the filet mignon) get discounted to hover around the $20-$29 mark.

This reviewer was there on the first day of the change-over. Look for a full review in next week's print edition.

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