Free Wine Tastings at Resort at Pelican Hill From Tonight!

It's not often that you'll see “free” and “Pelican Hill” in the same sentence, so grab the chance while you can. From this evening, OC residents can enjoy Vertical Ladder Wine Tastings plus hors d'oeuvres in the resort's Great Room. What on earth is a Vertical Ladder Wine Tasting, you ask? Weeell, it's when different vintages from the same winery are poured (as opposed to horizontal wine tastings, which feature wines from the same vintage but different wineries).

On tonight's menu: Planeta Wines from Sicily, including the winery's newest estate, Sciara Nuova, located near Mount Etna, no less.

The tastings are held from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. and run through to November 17.

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