Dan Aykroyd And His Crystal Skull In Tustin on December 8th

Ah, Dan Aykroyd. Why aren't you in more movies doing the kind of characters you do best (Ray Stanz, Sgt. Joe Friday)? The kind of nerdish kook that speaks a million miles a minute in technobabble that only he understands, but is hilarious nonetheless.

But while Ghostbusters III is still a long ways away (if it will happen at all), none other than the man himself will be making an appearance in Tustin's Total Wine N More on Tuesday, December 8th from 4 p.m-6 p.m.

What's he going to do there? Well, naturally, he has his own line of vodka called Crystal Head that he's promoting. 

But don't just let me explain it.


Better that you hear and see Mr. Aykroyd himself in THIS VIDEO, in which he references Roswell aliens, ectoplasm, and the crystal skull myth made popular in that last stinker of an Indiana Jones movie, and how it all relates to his “alcoholic beverage”, as only Dan Aykroyd could. 

I can't tell if he's doing it tongue-in-cheek or what, but his trademark rat-a-tat-tat delivery has never been better. And heck, that is a freakin' cool bottle!

**Thanks to my friend and fellow foodie Melissa for the tip off!

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