Chowhounds Suspect That Disneyland Has Changed Their Corn Dog…For The Worse

I'm always monitoring Chowhound for the latest food grumblings. A recent thread reports on lamentable news involving the possible change of one of Disneyland's beloved staples: the corn dog.

It started with a chowhound (a poster named ReelMike84) suspecting that something has changed with the Little Red Wagon's signature product. “It was smaller then [sic] usual, and dare I say, tasted different,” he wrote.

The suspicion is later confirmed by a reply by another poster named cem3340 who allegedly got info from a Little Red Wagon worker that they have allegedly switched from an 8 inch all-beef wiener to a 6 inch chicken-and-beef mix. Cost and nutritive value was cited as alleged reasons.

Both myself and Eddie Lin have written on the virtues of this corn dog, and if this story is true, to hear that they're mucking around with what was previously perfect is disheartening. What's next? Slowing down Big Thunder so that your hair doesn't get mussed up?

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