Boneheads at Irvine Spectrum Not Headed Anywhere

Some may remember the post I wrote a while back with the scoop that Boneheads, the Atlanta-based chain that specializes in grilled fish and piri-piri chicken, was planning to open another Orange County outlet at Irvine Spectrum to supplement their Lake Forest store.

Well, that was back in March.  As of today, in the last part of November, it appears that those plans have been scrapped.  A recent visit I made to the plaza found no visible clues of construction or even a hint of where it could be.  But the nail on the coffin, as they say, is the fact that the planned restaurant's name has been unceremoniously removed from Irvine Spectrum's website's New N Coming Soon section.  That's right.  It's like as if Boneheads was “unfriended” by Irvine Spectrum.

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