Attention: Kogi Taco Truck Lands in Lakewood Tomorrow! Not O.C., But Close Enough. **UPDATE**

UPDATE: Moving this up as a reminder to those in the La Palma, Buena Park, and Los Alamitos area of O.C.!!! KOGI WILL BE IN LAKEWOOD, AT THE ABC DRIVING SCHOOL FROM 10 P.M-1 A.M. TONIGHT!!! That's right next door!

Attention all Kogi Taco Truck followers. Kogi is going to be *THIS CLOSE* to O.C. tomorrow.  They'll be in Lakewood on the following times and location (and also, they're coming back Saturday!!!)

Wednesday: 10PM-1AM@Lakewood ABC Driving School – 12630 Del Amo Blvd

Saturday: 9:30PM-12AM@Lakewood ABC Driving School – 12630 Del Amo Blvd

The times, dates, and location just firmed up, so this is an exclusive heads up (Thanks Aliiiiice!) of a Tweet they haven't Tweeted!

Also, in talking to Alice (she's one of the Kogi peeps I've come to have an e-mail relationship with), they're also planning to come to O.C. proper sometime in May or June, for the Santiago Art Walk in Santa Ana!!!

As always, follow them on Twitter for any last minute changes.  Ah…the wonders of technology.

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