Inventor Douglas Hines got a lot of ink, virtual and otherwise, when he unveiled his sex doll Roxxxy at last month's Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas. At least one Interwebsian believes Roxxxy bears a striking resemblance to a genuine Orange County celebrity.
Well, a celebreality celebrity, anway.
“She kinda reminds me of Vicky from Real
Housewives of Orange County,” remarks BabyPink_FL on, “the fraternity and sorority Greek chat line.”
Vicki would be the real, breathing Vicki Gunvalson, and comparing Roxxxy to the mainstay of Bravo's The Real Housewives of Orange County is just plain silly. One is composed of artificial materials shaped to be sexually alluring and fed dialogue to make its owner happy, while the other is a sex doll.
As viewers know, Gunvalson is far from perfect while Roxxxy, according to CNN's report anyway, may very well be:
She's a willowy 5 feet 7 and 120 pounds.
She'll chat with you endlessly about your interests. And she'll have
sex whenever you please–as long as her battery doesn't run out.
Roxxxy (like Gunvalson, one would assume) does not come cheap, setting her new beau back $7,000. But plenty are willing to pay that, according to former Bell Laboratories engineer Hines, whose website has been taking pre-orders from horndogs for months.
“They're like, 'I can't wait to meet her,' ” Hines reportedly says of the men signing up. “It's almost like the anticipation of a first date.”
Naturally, late-night comedians had a field day with Roxxxy. Jay Leno in his monologue one night expressed amazement that the computerized sex toy could carry on
lifelike conversations and express realistic emotions.
“Luckily, guys,” he joked, “there's a button that turns that off.”
But the best take came courtesy of Jimmy Kimmel . . .
OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.