Doug Irving of the Orange County Register on Monday reports that Santa Ana Mayor Miguel Pulido voted on a project involving his former business clients. It's a solid report, although it read much better the first time it ran, as the Jan. 29 OC Weekly cover story by R. Scott Moxley.
Funnier . . .
This comment left with the Register report by online reader “henrygattis”:
Nice Article Irving. Maybe you could ask Moxely to do your housework
for you too. Why have the Register reporters become such tools? Go find
your own story Doug!
Jon Cassidy of the Orange County Register
on Monday reports that a man in his mid-20s parachuted from the Great
Park Balloon around 9 p.m.
Sunday, and escaped in a waiting car before authorities could catch
him. The man, who did not have permission to leap, was one of 12
passengers riding in the gondola of the balloon, which had ascended to
around 330 feet when the pilot felt a jolt and noticed
one of his passengers had climbed to the top of the netting that encloses
the gondola.
This exchange between online Register readers:
eatingfool: That's
the most excitement Irvine has seen since a light burned out at the
intersection of Jamboree and Main. Kudos for freaking out the
malmout1: “The Establishment”???? What are you, in a time warp? Hey Fool – the 1960s called. You are to be back by dinner time.

OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.
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