Rally Around the Huntington Beach Bonfire Sunday Afternoon or the Terrorists Win

The movement to preserve beach fire rings obviously caught … wait for it … fire. Now with endangerer Newport Beach having withdrawn its application to remove the 60 from that city and state agencies expressing willingness ranging from keeping them as is to tweaking them so they are less polluting to human lungs, Sunday's rally to save pits in Huntington Beach might be moot. Perhaps bonfire lovers should regard the latest ring-side event hosted by Assemblyman Travis Allen (R-Huntington Beach) a funeral pyre to pit-dousing bids.

Not that were out of the wood-burning woods yet. As we just mentioned Wednesday, the biggest threat to beach bonfires—the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD)—is scheduled to meet about removing or modifying them on Thursday.

Newport Beach, Which Started the Push to Kill Fire Rings, Withdraws Its App to Do Just That

While Huntington Beach Independent columnist Chris Epting continues to hold AQMD board members' penny loafers to the … wait for it … fire …

Chris Epting is Burning for a Fight

… you can rally 'round the ol' bonfire from 4-7 p.m. Sunday at 21579 Pacific Coast Highway, Huntington Beach. Just follow the smoke rings.

The schedule of events:

4 p.m.- IDENTITY CRISIS 4:30- LUCKY CHARM 5 p.m.-ELECTED OFFICIALS 6:15- ANGELA MUKUL 6:45- SPANISH DANCERS 7:15-7:45 ORIGINALITES *All performances are 30 minutes.



. Twitter: @MatthewTCoker. Follow OC Weekly on Twitter @ocweekly or on Facebook!

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