Quinton “Rampage” Jackson of Irvine reportedly claims he'll never fight in Ultimate Fight Championship bouts again, blaming it not on his loss in Saturday's UFC on Fox 6 but mistreatment by Dana White.
No sweat, counters the UFC chief, who says he doesn't want Jackson back anyway.
As Jackson left AV Nightclub in Los Angeles Monday night, a TMZer asked if he's retiring from mixed martial arts following the loss
two nights before to Glover Teixeira.
“I didn't retire from MMA, ” Jackson reportedly said. “But as of now . . . I've left the UFC. . . . The UFC didn't treat me right. I don't like the way I was treated there.”
He went on to allege White screwed him out of cash and a deal involving Rampage action figures and said he's itching to sign with a rival MMA company.
But White is quoted as saying, “Rampage didn't quit. He lost his last three fights and his contract is up.
Do you see me beating his door down to get him back?”
As for the cashflow allegations, White claimed Jackson has made $15 million from UFC since 2007 and suggested, “Ask
him how much he made from The A-Team when I let him go film it.”
Pity that fool, Rampage, because if your co-A-Teamers Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper and Sharlto Copley could move on to bigger and better things after that forgettable 2010 action flick, surely you can.
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OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.