Potted Potter

While J.K. Rowling has laid to rest the Harry Potter series, it will remain in the imagination of its many fans, two of them being Brit actors Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner. Clarkson and Turner have developed their love of Gryffindor, Hermione, dragons, Dumbledore and everything about “the boy who lived” into an entertaining show condensing all seven books of the Potter saga into 70 minutes. Potted Potter — The Unauthorized Harry Experience, has been cited as an uproarious stage play, specifically for avid readers of the books (these two embed so many HP references in their jokes), but even for those not well-acquainted will be laughing hysterically too. So dust off your flying broomsticks and prepare for a game of quidditch as Dan and Jeff take you away to Hogwarts for a magical time, muggles welcome.

Jan. 21-25, 2015

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