Popovich Comedy Pet Theater

The circus isn't what it used to be—the big-name big-top companies overstimulate senses with enough flashing lights, hyper-quick action, and spinning cheap plastic toys, you almost don't notice how sad the elephants look. Almost. That's why we highly recommend the Popovich Comedy Pet Theater, showing this afternoon at the Cerritos Center for the Performing Arts. There are 15 cats and 10 dogs in this adorable show, each one a rescue pet from an animal shelter. Now, they're circus stars, hopping around and doing super-cute tricks for a handful of treats and your entertainment. It's animal-friendly and we love it. Plus, do you realize how hard it is to teach a cat to do anything? There's some serious animal-training skills going on here.

Sun., Nov. 9, 3 p.m., 2014

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