It is perhaps a reflection of their rocky relationship that the least strange news to come out of Camp Tito Ortiz–Jenna Jameson recently is that the former porn queen and “Huntington Beach Bad Boy” have split up again.
With that out of the way, we are free to focus on the alleged murder plot mastermind Ortiz just sprang and the war of words between the former UFC light heavyweight champ, Jameson, Dana White, Chuck Liddell and Matt Mitrione. This one will require a scorecard to follow, folks.
To properly set up all that has happened recently, we first have to go back to a March MMA Hour, which featured this “Mitrione Minute”:
In case you did not sit through it all, Mitrione (a.k.a. “Meathead”) says of Jameson, Ortiz and Ortiz's July 2 UFC 132 opponent in Las Vegas, Ryan Bader:
think it's awesome . . . AWESOME that the UFC is finally doing this. I
think that it's a great promotion that they're finally letting women
fight for their man's honor. I think that's a great thing. We all know
that Tito's gonna give some type of excuse and back out, so Jenna's
gonna have to step in and fight Bader for Tito's honor. Bader, be really careful because it's a trap fight. We all
know that she's awesome off her back and she's got phenomenal top
control, but remember that she doesn't choke easily.”
Mitrione went on to say that he's glad he isn't fighting Ortiz: “I
think that's probably a great thing [that I won't get a chance to fight
him] because I would really feel bad if I retired Tito. Bader, please finish him up and send him on his way.”
Jameson later tweeted the following:
That was followed by her disclosure that she and Ortiz were Splitsville:
The UFC posted the following episode of the fictional Mr. Liddell: Executive Iceman on YouTube in late April:
In somewhat comic fashion, Liddell is pretending to have taken over the reigns of the UFC from White, and in case you did not stick with the video to the end, in one scene Liddell, himself a former light heavyweight champ now retired, fakes being annoyed when Ortiz is said to be on the line trying to get a spot on the Toronto fight card. After Liddell's receptionist informs on the intercom that Randy Couture is on
line two, Liddell says into his phone, “Ain't happening, Tito. Nobody
likes you.”
The video promoted Ortiz to post the following on Twitter:
Funny video by @danawhite but horrible acting by @chuckliddell. Nice to see to I'm still relevant to them and the @ufc.
That drew a reply from White:
@titoortiz bro u r the last guy on earth that should be raggin on peoples acting skills.
Jameson then decided to tweet in:
@danawhite your the last guy in the world that should be ragging on Tito not being liked. Um, you pay him a fortune
White then shot back:
@jennajameson hey jenna SHUT THE FUCK UP and mind ur biz!
@titoortiz put her on a fuckin leash!!!
Hey, I think I saw that movie where Jenna was on a leash . . . er . . . I mean . . . I heard about it. Anyway, last week in Vegas, Ortiz found himself on the same convention floor with Mitrione, and the pair sparred verbally and stared one another down. Roy Nelson captured the exchange but his camera malfunctioned and he added loud music that unfortunately drowns out the fighters' words:
Mitrione apparently told Ortiz his previous remarks were a joke and that he was sorry if it offended Ortiz, but Ortiz refused to accept the apology and stood ready to grapple. Meathead supposedly said, “Well
then I guess we're about to scrap then. I'm not the one who's getting
aggressive. You're the one that's getting aggressive. . . . Hey, I apologize
if I hurt your feelings. I apologize if I hurt your feelings. . . . Yeah, well, fuck you then. You're the one fucking your boss
and you're the one that wants to scrap. Aren't you the one who wants to
scrap?” Guys who looked like accountants finally separated the two.
On Friday in Vegas, Ortiz put up the $500,000 bond for Keith Harriman, who is facing 12 felony counts connected to a plot to have his 27-year-old son killed. Ortiz was hoping he could make the bail on the down low, reports the Las Vegas Review-Journal, but because Harriman had claimed to be indigent, the judge forced him to reveal his benefactor.
Ortiz and Harriman apparently have a relationship through the murder's brother, Wayne Harriman, a Vegas used car dealer who apparently helped bridge a rift between Ortiz and UFC chairman Dana White that led to a six-fight contract. Dominick Harriman, who was shot at least nine times at Wayne Harriman's Nice Cars of Nevada lot last August, testified in February that his father wanted him dead because he told insurance fraud investigators his father's $160,000 burglary loss claim was a scam to feed a crack cocaine addiction. Keith was also apparently peeved that Dominick slept with both his dad's ex-girlfriend and ex-wife.
During Monday's episode of The MMA Hour, Mitrione said he discussed with White dropping weight to fight Ortiz, if that's what the Huntington Beach Bad Boy really wants. But before that, Mitrione is scheduled to face Christian Morecraft at UFC Live in June.
And Ortiz still has to figure a way out of that bout in July, of course.

OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.