Overlord Taketh, Overlord Giveth Again: Costa Mesa Sober Living Home Edition

UPDATE, MAY 17, 6:31 A.M.: One of the sober living homes scheduled to be closed under an agreement between Costa Mesa and Solid Landings Behavioral Health is now a different substance recovery company’s sober living home, the city confirmed Monday. The property at 973 Arbor Street is being run by Clean Path Recovery even though Solid Landings was forbidden under its pact with the city from transferring ownership to another sober living home operator. “While the home on Arbor Street is one of 15 that is scheduled to be closed by Solid Landings, we have learned that property was being leased by Solid Landings, not owned,” reads a statement from the city. “Therefore, another operator has indicated it is seeking a state license to operate a rehab home with six or fewer tenants at that location.” The city is investigating the transaction, as it will with all future sober living homes, “to ensure that Solid Landings has no ties to any new operations. Per the agreement, all new operators who are not state licensed will be subject to our sober living ordinance and subject to appropriate code enforcement,” the city says. “While we have no control over who a property owner leases to, we did send letters out to all 33 of the Solid Landing owner/operators advising them of our ordinance and zoning laws and our commitment to maintaining the residential character of our neighborhoods. As such, we inspect and monitor sober living homes on a weekly basis and the agreement with Solid Landings has provided us with opportunities to further inspect these homes.” The city says city fire code officers inspected the Arbor Street property and discovered an illegal office in the garage and an illegal storage shed in the backyard that was in violation of zoning setbacks. “These conditions will be required to be appropriately corrected,” the city vows. “We continue to invest considerable resources in legal, law enforcement and code enforcement efforts to ensure a balance between our residents who deserve neighborhood peace and tranquility and those who seek facilities to battle their addiction problems.”

ORIGINAL POST, MAY 9, 6:32 A.M.: Recently, the City of Costa Mesa City announced that 33 sober living homes on residential streets will be closing over the next two to three years following negotiations with a recovery company.

That’s a drop in the bucket to critics who claim there are more than 300 such homes in the city.

At 6 p.m. today, Summit Coastal Living seeks to remain among the living when the Costa Mesa Planning Commission meets. Or, at least, Summit was supposed to be seeking such status; the company’s Keith Randle has asked for a continuance to a later date, according to city officials.

Due to existential regulations the city imposed in November, Summit was scheduled to seek a conditional use permit to continue operating group homes on the east side of Costa Mesa. Two condos at 165 E. Wilson St. would house up to 11 men, including one who would be the on-site manager. Three units at 2041 Tustin Ave. would have up to 13 men, including the manager.

Take Back Our Neighborhoods, the grass-roots group monitoring sober living homes, is circling the wagons to get residents to oppose CUPs, claiming these facilities “have overwhelmed the residential neighborhoods and created a hostile environment that puts families under siege.”

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