Orange County Register Starts Latino-Culture Blog, OC Latino Link

The Orange County Register has its share of good (the sports section, Food Frenzy, Frank Mickadeit) and bad (owners, Fast Food Maven, Frank Mickadeit), but the following news is great: they have started a column highlighting Latino life in la naranja called OC Latino Link.

“We want it to become a place where the many voices of Orange County's
Latino communities can be heard, where people can come, exchange
information and ideas and get to know each other,” writes longtime Register editor Ron Gonzales in the blog's introductory post


“We want it, too, to
become a welcoming place for anyone who seeks to share the warmth,
hospitality and confianza that makes us who we are.”

Joining Gonzales is Theresa Cisneros, a third-generation (if not more) santanera and longtime Reg reporter. “Our plan is to feature posts on events, community groups, businesses,
authors, etc. so we're really hoping to spread the word and encourage
people to get involved,” she told me via Facebook, noting that “posts will also be turned into stories/briefs for the paper.”

We applaud Grand Street for actually doing something right and look forward to them freaking out the Reg's Know Nothing core audience even more…

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