After one gossip site reported financially teetering Nadya Suleman's 14 children are enrolled in a private school with combined tuition calculated at $75,000 a year (counting family discounts), La Habra's unmarried and unemployed (save for Celebrity Boxing apparently) mom told another gossip site that she is now home schooling her youngest ones.
For critics who wonder about her burning through cash for private educations while dealing with foreclosure, mounting bills, manis, pedis and a prayed-for Child Protective Services investigation, Nads apparently has a salute after the jump . . .
Onward Christian mama!
This apparent outtake from the pre-fight photo session that had Nads showing off her yucky maternity scars was published online by the good folks at (I'd linked earlier to The Daily Mail's scar selection in the post “Octomom Nadya Suleman Steps into the Ring Again.”)
RadarOnline had the scoop yesterday afternoon on Suleman's kids, even the eight 2 1/2 year olds, being enrolled in a Los Angeles County private school where the minimum tuition is $6,000 a head. “She can't even pay the mortgage on her house, but she doesn't seem to care,” a source reportedly told Radar's Amber Goodhand. “She doesn't think about the future.”
In Octo's recent past (two months ago), she had her landlord in La Habra again complaining she was behind on rent and he was pursuing foreclosure with the bank. “She told me she'd rather have her kids educated than worry about her
bills,” the source is said to have told Goodhand. “But I have no idea how she's paying for their
Well, it was apparently a moot point by later that same afternoon, at least when it comes to the world's longest surviving octuplets. That's when Huffington Post/Celebrity unleashed an item that has Suleman now saying she pulled her eight youngest kids out of the private school three months ago.
“She is teaching
them from home and saving on money,” her manager, Gina Rodriguez, reportedly told HuffPo. “Her oldest [Elijah] has always been
in public school, so the other five kids are still in private school.”
But . . . but . . . five times $6,000 a month is . . . uh . . . a lot of scratch for someone always crying poor. And what about the apparently costly medical issues some of her children are dealing with? Oh, that's right, she told Today's Ann Curry those are gone, so they are gone. Just like her kids in private school in the early afternoon and long un-enrolled in it by a few hours later.
It's like magic! Hey, maybe those middle fingers in the photo are the digits of a witch.
OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.