OC's Taliban-Loving Congressman to Address OC's Taliban This Wednesday

Ya wanna know why the California Coalition for Immigration Reform are evil, decrepit hypocrites? Because they're hosting Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-Taliban) this Wednesday at their monthly Klavern at the Garden Grove Woman's Club on the corner of Gilbert and Garden Grove Blvd (starts at 7:30 pm; admission $5 for non-CCIR members). From the keyboard of CCIR head Barbara Coe:

The courageous patriot Representative who always stands strong for the rights of loyal, law-abiding Americans of every race and ethnicity! The FIRST elected official CCIR supporter, the FIRST elected official to endorse Prop 187, this happily married father of triplets, has been the champion of millions of dedicated patriots – not only in California, but throughout our nation!

He OPPOSES tax-funded benefits to illegals aliens, awarding them any of our Social Security tax dollars, and any form of an illegal alien Amnesty. He SUPPORTS the Secure Fence Act (to protect our citizens from illegal alien killers, drug smugglers and terrorists), and enforcement of our Immigration Laws which mandates DEPORTING illegal aliens and PROSECUTING employers who hire them. Add to that, he works tirelessly to free the wrongly imprisoned Border Patrol agents, Ramos and Compean.

He also strongly OPPOSED the most recent $700 Billion “bail out” of the Wall Street greed-mongers at OUR expense, by voting “NO” not only once but twice and and will share all details of this treacherous betrayal (and what we can do to protect ourselves) with our attendees. He will also share his opponent's (DEBBIE COOK) position. She OPPOSES the Security Fence and has ENDORSED HR 676, a bill to enact a $1.8 TRILLION taxpayer financed health care system to provide medical care to all, including illegal aliens. Our honored guest speaker strongly OPPOSES this bill and we cordially welcome…..Mark your calendar! Don't miss this opportunity to meet, greet, and chat with this PROVEN true “champion” of “We the People” and learn the TRUTH!

See how delusional Babs and her gang are? They don't mind Rohrabacher's Taliban pallin' because he's against illegal ALIENS. Anyone who goes to this meeting and can document proof that he or she asked Dana about his Taliban days in front of his peanut gallery gets $20 from me!

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