Every year around this time, the Orange County District Attorney's (OCDA) office brings good tidings for cops and deputies. There always seems to be a Christmas clearance of investigative reports into police shootings and jail deaths with this December proving to be no different. Cue the holiday tunes: Whitewash roasting by an open fire!
The latest report looks into Andrew Gray McClure, a 25-year-old Dana Point man who died days after doing a stint at Theo Lacy facility in Orange. The trouble began for McClure when Orange County sheriff deputies arrested him on November 9, 2014 for possession of a controlled substance. He reportedly became uncooperative and screamed at them during the arrest. It wouldn't be the last time McClure threw a fit.
The next day, authorities transferred McClure to Theo Lacy, but not before he gave deputies an earful at Santa Ana's Intake/Release Center according to one inmate. When he arrived to Theo Lacy, McClure continued on with his disruptive behavior, yelling profanities at deputies whenever they gave him orders. It came to the point where they decided to separate McClure from other inmates in order to search him, a move that only made things worse.
Deputies moved to put McClure into a cell to let off some steam. When they arrived, he freed one arm and a struggled ensued. The official version holds that a deputy tried to regain control of McClure, but a lunge by the inmate caused him to topple over a partition wall in the cell. With two feet, McClure delivered a kick to the deputy's stomach. Another deputy arrived and served up two fists to McClure's stomach in what the DA report calls “distraction punches!” Others arrived to the cell to cuff and tie him up. After the roughing, medical staff looked McClure over and noted swellings on his head and hand, but he made no complaints about dizziness.
When McClure's mother came to visit him at Theo Lacy, he gave her his version of events. McClure told her he got assaulted by deputies when they tossed him over the partition wall, causing him to land on his head. McClure's mom took note of a three-inch wound healing on the right side of her son's head before leaving.
The problems seemingly stopped after that. Authorities released McClure in time for the holidays on December 15. He crashed at a friend's house in Dana Point the following day. A week later, McClure shared a laugh with another roommate at the apartment before everyone took off for work while leaving him behind. When they returned, they found McClure on the floor unresponsive. Efforts to save his life by paramedics failed that evening.
The autopsy revealed McClure died of an accidental overdose with morphine and meth found in his system. The OCDA, in its investigation, concluded that his death had nothing to do with the cell scuffle during his imprisonment and that he never took drugs while in their custody.
As always, read the report in its entirety online.

Gabriel San Román is from Anacrime. He’s a journalist, subversive historian and the tallest Mexican in OC. He also once stood falsely accused of writing articles on Turkish politics in exchange for free food from DönerG’s!