Always forgotten in the craziness over the Orange County Register is the sales team, the people put in charge of trying to make money for owner Aaron Kushner's crazy, debt-ridden dream. I gave anonymous sources on the sales side of the paper beaucoup coverage in my summer feature on Kushner, and those poor souls got me another scoop: Kushner is delaying the commissions that they rightfully earned in November by a week, because he can.
This time, though, Kushner didn't tell his employees the news, and didn't use his Minister of Information, Eric Morgan, to deliver it; he gave the dishonor to Riverside Press-Enterprise publisher and Freedom Communications senior vice-president of revenue Mike Burns.
From Burns, in a letter sent on Tuesday:
Dear Team,
Our sales associates are an essential part of our success, so we hate to not deliver on our promises. However with the holiday and short week, processing of commission payments will be delayed one week and paid out one week later, the week of December 1st. We appreciate your understanding.
Hope everyone has a great holiday. Happy Thanksgiving!
Email: ga*******@oc******.com. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.
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