The fallout from Orange County Register owner Aaron Kushner stiffing the Los Angeles Times on delivery bills and striking out on his own continues. Not only was there a lawsuit, not only were the new delivery drivers incompetent, not only did Kushner blame it all on the Times–but now the Reg is putting inserts into its paper essentially begging Orange County to deliver its paper because no one else wants to.
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In a Craigslist listing posted last week, the Reg promised new hires a salary between $1,000 and $1,200 a month. Compare that with the above-mentioned two-to-three hours a day of work, carry the remainder, drop the invisible number…and prospective Register delivery drivers can plan to earn about $17 an hour. Damn, that's more money than we Weeklings average out to…hey, Kush: I got a good Toyota pickup that works wonders at four in the morn…
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