One of the various strategies Orange County Register owner Aaron Kushner used to boost subscription numbers was to offer ridiculously cheap discounts to select audiences. For instance, he offered Latinos a two-year subscription to the Sunday Reg for $2. The way he got around accusations of discrimination was by offering the deal as a bundle–people who'd take the plunge would get the Reg and their throwaway Spanish-language weekly, UNIDOS. But the deal was only offered to Mexicans–and SanTana Mexis at that, not Coto de Caza wabs.
Kushner's segregationist subscription scandal (sorry; couldn't resist) continues. Over the holidays, Catholics in Orange County were subjected to an even better discount courtesy of the Diocese of Orange: two years of the Sunday Register for a dollar. A DOLLAR.
The catch: subscribers would have to also get the Orange diocese's throwaway weekly, the Orange County Catholic, which the Reg just happens to publish.
Wonder if Kushner's going to extend these types of offers to Muslims, Jews, Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monsterenes, etc? Heckuva job, Brownie!
Email: ga*******@oc******.com. Twitter: @gustavoarellano.
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