A gossip site claims Nik Richie has taken such a financial hit, the founder of TheDirty.com cannot afford to pay his bill for a Disneyland season pass.
But Richie countered on his own site that he did not even know why his credit card did not clear for his pass payment, that all is good with the Mouse again and that he even visited the Anaheim theme park just last week.
The original claim came from Maxine Page of Popdust, where it's posted, “Is it a case of Richie to rags for TheDirty.com founder?”
The “exclusive report” goes on to say that while 34-year-old Richie “never seems to have any problem forking out for his tequila and champagne fueled nights of hard partying in Sin City,” that “when it comes to his young daughter's entertainment, the self-promoting big mouth comes up decidedly short.”
Popdust claims this is the arrears notice Richie was sent “after failing to meet the measly $15.59 monthly dues:”
The gossipers point to a possible source of Richie's un-richness: the $338,000 in damages a federal jury ruled he must pay to a former NFL cheerleader he allegedly defamed.
But on TheDirty.com, Richie titles his response, “I Should Get A Free Disney Cruise For This, My Statement.”
First, he writes, “Popdust.com should change its name to PopRichie.com. I understand hating on me makes you guys money. I understand the business model. I'm more ashamed of Disney for letting some cubicle warrior sell my personal information.”
He assures everyone “I AM NOT BROKE,” says he does not know why his credit card did not go through and claimed to still be in good standing with the Mouseketeers. He then includes a link to his Instagram that shows him at the park two Mondays ago.
He closes with, “Case closed…”
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OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.