Newspaper: Anaheim KKK Stabber has Jewish-Catholic Family Roots

The San Francisco alternative media is having a field day with Charles Edward Donner, the Exalted Cyclops of the Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan who is free despite stabbing three people last Saturday’s at Pearson Park free-for-all in what the cops are saying was self-defense. Our former sister paper, SF Weekly, discovered on Tuesday that a 51-year-old man by the same name lives in a multimillion-dollar house in a ritzy San Francisco neighborhood. It also revealed that this mystery man’s original name was Charles E. Dhonau, and that his father was a former publisher of Asia TIME Magazine by the same name. And that man’s favorite haiku, per his obituary that Weekly reporter Chris Roberts found? “In my garden/native plants, foreign plants/growing together”—BOOM. 

Yesterday, the City’s pioneering Chicano weekly, El Tecolote, built on that story and went to the house that public records show that the Charles Edward Donner referred to in the SF Weekly story was living in. Let’s let Tecolote editor Alexis Terrazas set the scene as he caught up to whom he said was Donner at his home on Tuesday while moving his car:

He was neatly dressed in slacks and a white button-down shirt, in stark contrast to the all-black uniform decorated with Confederate Klansman regalia he boasted just days before. But the bruise below his eye—the likely result of a punch or kick to the face—gave him away.

When Donner was asked about his KKK affiliation outside of his home, he declined to comment. 

From there, Terrazas offers a blockbuster of a get: “The D’Honau family, El Tecolote learned, has ties to Catholicism and Judaism, both of which have been well-documented targets of the Klan.”

The skinny: Chuck’s dad, Charles Edward D’Honau (the original spelling of the family) was a member of the Catholic Club while attending Princeton University and had his funeral services at the Old Mission Dolores in San Francisco. The Klan, of course, hates Catholics and once burned a cross in front of St. Boniface Church in Anaheim in the 1920s, not too far away from Pearson Park.

But then Terrazas offers the bolo punch:

Further investigation of Donner’s ancestry revealed that his New York-born paternal grandfather, William D’Honau, was the son of German immigrants. William D’Honau’s “native tongue” was listed in the 1920 United States Federal Census as “Yiddish,” suggesting that Donner has Jewish family ancestry.


Terrazas also found Chuckie’s brother, William D’Honau, who still goes by the family name.

“I don’t have any comments on this,” said a Bill D’Honau when asked about his brother’s affiliation with the KKK over the phone. “All I can say is he’s very mentally ill.” 


This is the link to El Tecolote’s story, but it’s been down most of yesterday and today after the story went viral and bots began attacking the website. One wonders if those bots have white hoods…anyhoo, to learn more about El Tecolote’s fabled history, read this San Francisco Chronicle profile.

And Chip? You soil your family’s good name.

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