Vladae the Russian Dog Trainer Gets His Sea Legs

You've seen Vladae the World Famous Russian Dog Wizard on the KTLA Morning News, KNBC's Channel 4 News, and even Letterman.

Since relocating here from Michigan, Vladae Roytapel has turned his uncanny canine communicating–he claims to speak fluent “Dogglish”–into “affordable” dog training in the homes of masters in Irvine, Anaheim, Laguna Beach, Newport Beach and elsewhere close by. But, as the The Log boating newspaper reports, Vladae has expanded to include seafaring pooches.

Writes Ambrosia Sarabia:

Have hopes of taking your four-legged friend on your next cruise to
Catalina–but your dog has other plans that include soiling the deck
or barking incessantly?

Roytapel, who bills himself as the “Russian Dog Wizard,” has a training
method he claims will turn even the most anti-seafaring pooch into a
well-behaved boat dog.

To prove this, Bogey,
a five-year-old chocolate lab Roytapel had
never before met, was brought to him at American Legion Yacht Club
docks. It was immediately apparent Bogey was  directing his owner,
skipper Tim Bercovitz, instead of the other way around. But within three minutes after Roytapel
took the leash, Bogey was at the Wizard's attention, reports Sarabia.

“The problem I had was I was speaking English not doglish,” Bercovitz explained.

Aboard a 40-foot Mariner ketch, Luke calmly sat at the feet of his owner, Gil Lukosky, who less than two months ago sought Roytapel's help after dog training books, CDs and TV's The Dog Whisperer failed to stop Luke's inappropriate barking, begging and jumping, which scared customers in Lukosky's nearby store.

After six lessons with Roytapel, Luke is tranquil at home, in the store and aboard boats, Lukosky said.

Email the Russian Wiz here or call him at (888) 364-9492.

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