Vanity Fair Calls Baby Hewie “Two-Time Loser”

*Updated, with new info on the bottom…

We haven't posted on Orange County's own conservative talk-show windbag
Hugh Hewitt in a long time, mostly because I got tired of listening
both to his program and reading his blog. But a faithful reader clued
us in to the latest Vanity Fair, a magazine I usually don't because I really don't find it that big of a deal (I'm more of a Harper's
type of guy, anyway). In a 2008 retrospective by writer James Wolcott,
he labels Baby Hewie (whom he describes as a “Promethean twit possessed
of an infallible gift for getting it pompously, egregiously wrong”) a
two-time loser for laughably predicting the victories of both Mitt
Romney, and then John McCain. Wolcott forgot Baby Hewie's hilarious book unpublished proposal, How Sarah Palin Won the Election … and Saved America. 
but that's okay: a man can suffer so many ignominies in one year. To a
better 2009, Hugh, and by better, we mean you keep great ratings and
influence no one!

UPDATED: If you want some great comedy to start off your morning, read Baby Hewie's desperate defense of the Bush years for the usually-sane

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