UPDATED: UCI's Chemerinsky and Chapman's Eastman to Engage in Ultimate “Battle of the Law Deans” Freeway-Series Smackdown

Screw the Dodgers and Angels. More hits, misses and spitballs are guaranteed Sept. 24 when “The Battle of Law School Deans” pits Chapman University School of Law's John Eastman against his counterpart at UC Irvine's brand-spanking new School of Law, Erwin Chemerinsky.

If you listen to Hugh Hewitt's radio show, God help you . . .
unless you're just tuning in for shits and giggles, in which case you
may have already heard Eastman and Chemerinsky arguing over this legal
topic and that.

See, Eastman leans right, Chemerinsky leans left and
both are hella smart. They're also old buddies who enjoy getting under
one another's skin, as old buddies are wont to do.

And so, for
the first time since the doors opened to UCI's new law school this
quarter, they will get together in person, face to face, no earpieces required, on Sept. 24 for a debate that
plucky little Chapman is genuinely billing as “The Battle of the Law

That's surely more enticing than the
debate topic: “constitutional interpretation.”

Zzzzzz . . . Huh? What? Was someone talking?

Actually, both are expected to press their views on such hot-button issues as same-sex marriage, birthright arguments and the war on terror. Eastman sounds diplomatic about it all. Or maybe he's just softening up ol' Erwin.

“Chapman is delighted
to be hosting the new class of students at UCI and their dean for what
promises to be a stimulating exchange of ideas about constitutional
interpretation,” Eastman says in a media advisory about the debate. “The first in our 'freeway series,' we hope
this is the beginning of many collaborative programs between the two
The fun begins at 6 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 24, in Beckman Hall, Room 404, Memorial Hall on the Chapman
University campus at One University Drive in Orange. The event was moved from Beckman due to the high interest in the event, according to Chapman spokespeople. While admission is free and open to the public, it's a good idea to call (714) 628-2526 to reserve a seat, or register at www.chapman.edu/law/rsvp.

According to the university, attendance counts as one free MCLE credit, whatever the hell that is.

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