[UPDATED] UC Budget Protest at UCLA is Rowdy. Cal State Protest in Long Beach? Not So Much

UPDATE: University of California Regents voted for a 32 percent tuition increase today, with a dissenting vote coming from the student-regent. The vote was taken and debated over loud protests outside from hundreds of demonstrators. Our big sis' LA Weekly reports one arrest today.

See also the Los Angeles Times LA Live blog post and their photos here.

Fourteen protesters were arrested and dozens more were pushed away by
campus-security goons Wednesday as University of California regents first began hearing UC President Mark Yudof lay out his plan to increase tuition for two years to help close a massive funding gap.

Over at the California State University Board of Trustees'
headquarters in Long Beach, where an estimated 100 protesters chided a 30 percent tuition hike proposal the same day, trustees voted to ask the state for $884 million to close their budget gap. No arrests were reported.

Long Beach demonstrators were much rowdier on Tuesday, when students from as far away as Fresno filled came to the chancellor's office at 401 Golden Shore, Long Beach, to shout their objections
to the budget plan, according to a report in Cal State Long Beach's Daily 49er.

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