UPDATED: Mike Duvall Resigns From State Assembly

Several media outlets are reporting that Assemblyman Michael D. Duvall (R-Yorba Linda) has resigned amid the scandal uncovered last night by OC Weekly and KCBS/KCAL about his inadvertent admissions of adultery with a utility lobbyist.

Duvall–vice chairman of the powerful Committee on Utilities N Commerce–trotted onto the state Assembly floor this morning with his game face on. It was the look of a man trying to hide the obvious puffiness under his eyes. When he reached his desk near the front of the room, he plopped his body down hard in the chair, sighed and stole a glance at the press section to his right. It must have been unsettling to see both myself and KCBS reporter Dave Lopez standing there for a second day. I could imagine he was wondering: what's next?

Well, less than five minutes later, Orange County Republican Party Chairman Scott Baugh told me in a telephone interview that Duvall, a fellow OC Republican, should consider resigning from the state Assembly. Within hours, Duvall did just that.
“There's nothing defensible in what I saw or heard,” Baugh said about the airing of video capturing Duvall graphically boast to a colleague during a public committee hearing about his sexual conquests with lobbyists. The key memorable line from the boasting was his gleeful observation that one of the lobbyists had complained that the assemblyman was “dripping out” of her when she walked up stairs after a sexual interlude. 
“My heart goes out to Mike's family,” said Baugh. “But given the gravity of the situation, he should consider resigning.” 
Before news broke of the resignation, which was apparently contained in a letter, multiple sources in the Capitol had said Duvall was telling colleagues that his relationships are private matters and that they should ignore the media while he rides out the public relations nightmare.
“He wants us to ignore it,” one Orange County elected official told me this morning on condition of anonymity. “But I don't think that is possible at this point. He's screwed himself.”
One pending irony: Duvall sat on the Assembly rules committee which usually handles allegations of member wrongdoing.
Go HERE to read the original article that brought down the assemblyman.
–R. Scott Moxley / OC Weekly

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