Uh, Tiger, About That Congressional Gold Medal …

U.S. Representative Joe Baca (D-Rialto) is dropping his effort to honor Tiger Woods with a Congressional Gold Medal.

Baca had proposed legislation in March
that would single out the Cypress native's promotion of good
sportsmanship and breaking down of barriers in golf.

Hmmm, wonder what could have happened between March and this week to prompt the I.E. Member of Congress to drop that legislation like a hot 9-iron?


Incidentally, Clockwork caught this on the LA Times' D.C. Now blog, which simply reprinted an Associated Press report, which acknowledged The Hill newspaper first reported Baca's ditch Tiger effort.

Please keep up!

Baca's official statement reveals why the congressman is doing what he is no longer doing for our once-local superstar. Baca explains he won't pursue
legislation this session to give the greatest golfer on the planet the award “in light of the recent
developments surrounding Tiger Woods and his family.”

So, that must mean something happened recently involving Woods and/or his lovely wife Elin and/or their precious children! Better consult the Golf Channel to find out what's going on.

In the meantime, congressman, kiss that free golf weekend with Tiger goodbye!

And don't worry, linksters: Tiger's young. There's still a chance he can beat Newport Coast's Kobe Bryant to the highest award Congress has to honor civilians
for achievements and contributions to society.

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