UCI Achiever Teams With Boston U Pals for Achieve in Africa

Students Nathan Yee of UC Irvine and Brendan Callahan of Boston University this week launched a website and fund-raising campaign for their nonprofit Achieve in Africa, Inc., which strives to help African children receive quality education through donations of school supplies and facilities. The pair have been friends since preschool and remain close and committed to volunteerism despite finding themselves coasts apart.

“I am deeply moved by the strong desire these children have to learn,
despite lacking the necessary facilities and supplies needed for a
proper education,” says Yee. “Through Achieve in Africa, we hope to
continually impact the lives of these children so that they can choose
their own path in life.”

Yee has dedicated himself to heading up fund-raising. Callahan, president of Achieve in Africa, actually co-founded the organization with fellow BU student Alyssa Snow in September 2008. The trio have set a goal to raise $30,000 by June to construct two additional classrooms and provide school supplies for the overcrowded Olasiti Primary School in Tanzania, which Callahan intends to visit to oversee the beginning of the construction.

Learn more by checking out the website–especially if you are in a giving mood. You can also send an email requesting more details.

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