Orange County GOP insider and former state Sen. John Lewis' early endorsement of Democrat and current Orange County Clerk-Recorder Tom Daly in the race to replace Chris Norby as the Fourth District county supervisor has got some local Republicans fuming.
But there is one high-profile, controversial, Republican endorsement of Anaheim's former Mayor Daly that has escaped similar criticism. And it is such a shocking revelation that Tony Bushala felt compelled to post in not only on Orange Juice (“Orange County's top political blog . . . since 2003”) but Friends of Fullerton's Future (“The No. 1 Ranked Political Blog in Fullerton N North OC”).
Yep, this is big, people.
,” who Orange County's top political blog . . . since 2003 and the No. 1 Ranked Political Blog in Fullerton N North OC show here “in 2005 in an Advanced State of Decomposition.”
Although Dick died in 1994, he is quoted (no wonder they are Orange County's top political blog . . . since 2003 and the No. 1 Ranked Political Blog in Fullerton N North OC) saying, “I represent a growing number of morally bankrupt GOP politicians who believe the time has come to jettison principles of conservatism and go with the candidates who are mostly likely to grow the size and scope of government.”
Nixon predicts Daly will be successful because “[i]n government, success is judged by the size of your staff and the amount of your budget.”
Now, I'm no Columbo, but this could be interpreted in some quarters as mocking Daly's anticipated tax-and-spend-liberal ways. Or maybe I'm on glue. Again! All I know is, in the steaming piece from Orange County's top political blog . . . since 2003 and the No. 1 Ranked Political Blog in Fullerton N North OC, Daly campaign spokesman Herb Dillman accepts the Nixon nod, calling it “great news for us. We anticipate broad support from unconvicted, self-serving, moribund, and even dead Republicans.”
Sounds like the making of a fun race. Get me Segretti on speed dial!
OC Weekly Editor-in-Chief Matt Coker has been engaging, enraging and entertaining readers of newspapers, magazines and websites for decades. He spent the first 13 years of his career in journalism at daily newspapers before “graduating” to OC Weekly in 1995 as the alternative newsweekly’s first calendar editor.