This year's edition of our annual Scariest People issue includes two entries from the Catholic Diocese of Orange: lead sex-abuse lawyer Peter Callahan and Varsity Gold, the high-school fundraising outfit that hired and proudly employees statutory rapist (and former Mater Dei boys' assistant basketball coach) Jeff Andrade. With those two entries, the Orange diocese enters the Weekly's record books as the organization with the longest consecutive streak of appearances in Scariest. The previous entries:
2006: The aforementioned Andrade.
2005: Former diocesan spokesman Joseph Fenton and parents at St. John the Baptist elementary school in Costa Mesa.
2004: Orange Bishop Tod D. Brown and diocesan counsel Maria Schinderle.
Amazingly, the Orange diocese even beats out two other Scariest standbys: the District Attorney's office and the Orange County Sheriff Department. In fairness to the OCSD, however, we estimate that Sheriff Mike Carona has made more individual appearances than anyone else–including this year.