The Evilest Man in Southern California: Tod Tamberg, LA Archdiocese Spokeshole


I’ve rarely covered the sex abuse scandal up the 5 Freeway at the Catholic Archdiocese of Los Angeles, because–hello!–LA is LA and Orange County is it. But a scummy incident that happened last Wednesday warrants the attention of all naranjeros and good Catholics.

Then, sex-abuse survivors held a press conference outside the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, otherwise known as the Rog Mahal after Cardinal Roger Mahony. The survivors were there to talk about the news that the United States District Attorney’s office was investigating the archdiocese in its pedophilia scandal. Many were members of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP, for short). Sometime during the conference, someone delivered a press release by Tod Tamberg, head of media relations for the archdiocese. “SNAP runs to every investigation and rumor with pitchfork and torches, shouting half-truths and outright untruths,” read the press release. It went on to dismiss the sex-abuse survivors as an “angry mob.” Present were Weeky cover girl Joelle Casteix and Mary Grant, both survivors of molesting Orange County diocesan employees and longtime advocates for victims.

Man, is Tamberg despicable! Calling clerical sex-abuse survivors an “angry mob” is like criticizing Holocaust survivors for protesting outside a meeting of the Institute for Historical Review. Hey, Toddy: no need to be sore at SNAP. Yeah, they cost your boss hundreds of millions of dollars, but that’s only because Mahony and his boys covered up so many rapes of innocents. What exactly is your problem with SNAP? That they dare speak the truth about the mockery to Catholicism that is Mahony and you?

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