Social Media Rock Star Chris Brogan Blog Rolls Into Town

A “social media rock star” is giving a free lecture in Orange County Tuesday evening.

Chris Brogan, who Chapman University bills as “one of the new media industry's brightest stars,” is scheduled to talk about why blogs, Twitter, Facebook, Digg and probably some stuff you haven't heard of matter. One of the world's top 50 bloggers, Brogan advises businesses and
individuals on how to use social media and networks to build influence,
improve reputation and earn trust.

One of his recent kicks is advocating the use of social media for positive social change, as he recently told Maria De Los Angeles at our Village Voice Media sister paper, Miami New Times.

He also explained why a new media superstar would wrote an old-fashioned book, in this case, the new bestseller Trust Agents he co-authored with Julien Smith.

“I live in airplanes and am always at an airport,” he said. “I noticed
that executives at airports were sitting around actually reading books
and not tweeting from their laptops. Books are artifacts these days,
but they're still widely used. It's the way big ideas get spread. I had
a need to have more people learn, and I can't be everywhere all at
once. I wanted to spread the message to businesspeople about being more
human, using these social media tools and doing community-based

Brogan's appearance is scheduled to begin at 7 p.m. Tuesday in Chapman's Memorial Hall. Admission is free, but registration is
required due to limited space. Reserve your seat online or call (714) 997-6565.

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