Serial Child Molester Denied Parole, Could Be Free in 6 Months

Joseph England
, the serial child molester R. Scott Moxley just wrote about, was denied parole Monday, but the 65-year-old could still taste freedom in six months.
After fleeing Orange County in 1977 and spending 29 years as a fugitive, England was sentenced in 2006 to three consecutive
one-year-to-life terms for molesting three girls in Costa Mesa in the
mid 1970s.

California Department of Corrections recalculated England's prison term to conform with the sentencing
laws of 1977–back when kidnapping and raping little girls was akin to assorted white collar crimes today, apparently. Instead of life, England's sentence was rejiggered to only six years in prison. If the bad, bad boy displays good behavior, he could get out on March 13, 2010.

Larry Welborn writes in the Orange County Register that the
parole board could recommended that England be reviewed as a Sexually
Violent Predator, which could keep him locked up if prosecutors can show he is likely to re-offend if released.

Given the amount of protest Orange County district attorney Tony Rackauckas aired as Corrections was slicing and dicing England's original sentence, you'd imagine the DA is blowing the ink dry on that Sexually Violent Predator petition right now.

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