Secret Link Between Loretta Sanchez and Bob Dornan: Appreciation of Male Thighs

In the late 90s, Orange County Congressman Robert K. Dornan couldn’t stop himself from noting his fascination with then-President Bill Clinton. After watching a news clip of Clinton jog in shorts with a Secret Service detail in tow, Dornan quickly transformed into a political Steven Cojocaru, the effeminate red carpet fashion critic who served a wild stint on NBC’s Today Show.

The Republican congressman known as the most homophobic member of congress at the time critiqued Clinton’s allegedly “silk” jogging shorts as “girly girly.” Then Dornan let this slip: Clinton, he said, had “beautiful white doughboy thighs.”

After the comment, Loretta Sanchez pounded Dornan for a second time in the 1998 congressional elections.

But it’s now clear that there is an eerie connection between the last two Santa Ana/Anaheim/Garden Grove congressional representatives and male thighs.

In the current issue of The Hill, a Washinton, D.C-based newspaper that covers Congress, the following quote is attributed to a supposedly “joking,” definitely single (divorced) Sanchez: An extra perk of walking each moring around the National Mall is the chance to watch “Marines run in their short shorts.”

We can only guess at the excitement the Democratic congresswoman felt during her trip to Iraq in March.

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