Russians Knock Off Germans as World's Worst Tourists

It's always a crack up to be walking along the Orange County shoreline in the winter months, bundled up in our sweaters, sweatsuits and North Face parkas, and coming upon German families in one-piece swimsuits and Guido Speedos frolicking in the ice-cold surf.

Can't recall noticing those folks being overly surly, but among those in the travel industry Germans have long been regarded as the worst tourists.

Until now.

because they hog sun-loungers, eat 'almost everything' at all-inclusive
hotel buffets, burp, swear and have terrible dress sense, the Russians
have the dubious honor of being the world's worst tourists,” reports's David Wilkening.
That's based on a Real Holiday Reports survey that ended the Germans' reign as undisputed champions of holiday rudeness.
Needless to say, this has not gone down well in Russia.

been getting a certain amount of abuse in the forums and on the phone,
I think the Russian press have latched onto this story and they don't
like it,” said Real
Holiday director Gary Hewitt, who conducted the survey that asked 1,000 tourists who they get along least with.

But a similar survey published last month by Expedia found the British were the worst behaved while the French were viewed as
the meanest tippers, the rudest tourists in Europe and also the worst internationally.

Must be all that free medical care going to their heads.

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