Rule 1 for Being a USC Trojan Pigskin Slinger

Steven Travers
, a USC graduate, sports historian and former pro baseball player in the A's and Cardinals organizations, has written a book titled What It Means to Be a Trojan: Southern Cal's Greatest Players Talk About Trojans Football (hardbound, $27.95).

“The greatest Trojan players and coaches from the 1940s to present day were called upon to express why they are so proud to be a part of the storied tradition that is Trojan football,” state the promotional materials from Triumph Books .

Frank Gifford, Jim Hardy, Craig Fertig, Tim Rossovich, John McKay, Clay Matthews, Keith Van Horne, Manfred Moore and Mark Carrier are among the Trojans who provided insights to Travers.

Fight on!

Of course, had the book been titled What It Means to Be a Trojan Quarterback, the first insight would have been that you spent your high school years in Orange County, as was the case with the pigskin slingers depicted above.

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