Piercing Through the Bill O'Reilly-Keith Olbermann Fued

Perhaps the blood feud between Bill O'Reilly and Keith Olbermann can be resolved with a simple game of darts.

That's what an Israel-based graphic arts website seems to believe with the portraits it has bound for the cable TV blabbermouths who go head-to-head–and toe-to-toe–on Fox News and MSNBC respectively.


Paint Your Life
sending the Olbermann likeness to O'Reilly and the O'Reilly likeness to
Olbermann, but before you counter that both are too narcissistic to ever gaze
at images of anyone but themselves know that the portraits have been
enhanced with captions. Under O'Reilly it reads “Right Wing Loon,”
while his bitter broadcasting foe is identified as “Angry Olbermann.”

Oh, and they are shaped like dartboards.

“Rather than pick a side, we thought we'd pick neither in a gesture of
the futility of their conflict,” explains Assaf Kostiner of Paint Your Life, which offers online customers graphic treatments of images in many artistic styles.

and Olbermann, who face off in
the 5 p.m. PDT time slot, have attacked one another from their bully pulpits for
years, and it only got worse after the recent disclosure that executives
from both networks sought to
tamp down the pair's personal attacks.

Since that obviously did not work, Kostiner tosses out his detente-seeking dartboards.

“It might encourage them to tone down the
rhetoric,” he says. “Or probably it won't.”

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