Over Spitzer's Objection, Gov Delays New Death Chamber

You've got to wonder how state assemblyman Todd Spitzer–a former Orange County supervisor, prosecutor and LAPD reserve officer–tolerates continual Sacramento BS even within his own Republican Party.

McClatchy news reported today that GOP Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger–who oddly still enjoys The Terminator image–“personally asked” officials at San Quentin Prison to delay construction of a new death chamber that was set to premiere this May.

Schwarzenegger's excuse? Spitzer–rightly frustrated by the new hurdle–speculated to reporters that the Gov made the move to avoid offending Democratic legislators.

Who's girly now?

California's death row–filled with sick monsters who make Hannibal Lecter look like a pussy–is overflowing worse than the 405 and 55 interchange during rush hours.

The state has s-l-o-w-l-y w-a-i-t-e-d to execute many of these death row folks. It's not uncommon for inmates to sit, sleep, play, eat, pose and watch TV for decades. Meanwhile, justice is mocked.

Democrats are reportedly upset that the original costs of the new death chamber have doubled to $725,000. They say they want to talk about it, but somehow I'm guessing that cost isn't really what's bugging them.

Those of us who've seen the handiwork of these killers know this expense is worth triple the price.

Take Anaheim native Eddie Morgan, for example. In 1994–a mere month after his release from prison for a series of vicious Orange County rapes, the undeniably studly Morgan picked up a beautiful Asian woman at a bar near The Block in Orange. He dragged her to an enclosed area next to the outdoor mall's parking lot and then tried to impress Jack the Ripper.

Taking his time, Morgan beat, savagely raped, and then mutilated his 23-year-old victim, Leanora Annette Wong. Much of the horrific murder was captured by a surveillance camera.

You would vomit if I described the crime scene.

Though Morgan begged for mercy at his sentencing, knowledgeable sources told me that he bragged about his savagery to other inmates inside the OC jail.

A judge sentenced him to die for his act more than 4,000 days ago.

Thanks for letting unrepentant psychopaths like Morgan continue to share our oxygen, Gov.

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