Orange Juice Makes Weekly Look Smart

A couple of weeks ago, this paper named the SanTana-leaning Orange Juice the county's best blog because it represents the best qualities of the blogosphere: scoops, jocularity, personality, with a bit of libel and bad graphics thrown in. And some paranoid arrogance, we thought, after bloggers Sean Mill and Art Pedroza began insinuating that SanTana City Hall forces were conspiring to throw them off the Planning and Housing and Redevelopment Commissions, respectively, because of their hell-raising. We knew that the Juicers weren't liked by Mayor Miguel Pulido and his pals, but we thought Pedroza and Mill were reading too much into it, as is the wont of anyone who becomes a burr to the powerful (ask Moxley how Sheriff Mike Carona and his goons treat our star reporter).

But it turns out that the Orange Juice conspiracy is true. Today (as noted by Moxley in his news roundup), Los Angeles Times reporter Jennifer Delson writes that Pedroza, Mill and fellow blogger Thomas Gordon have been asked to shut up by councilmembers lest the council throw them off their appointed city commission seats (Gordon belongs to the Early Prevention and Intervention Commission). Seems some folks (namely pendejo councilmembers David Benavides and Carlos “Forrest Gump” Bustamante) in SanTana government don't like what they write. Delson unfortunately gives the readers no clue as to what the Juicers post, so we invite ustedes to find out for yourselves. Good job, Juicers, and my apologies for not having drunk your Kool-Aid earlier. And gracias for making our choice to call you the county's best blog look visionary.

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