Orange County Skinhead Murdered in Monrovia–Why?

Last week was a tough one for Orange County's tight-knit, methed-up skinhead community. On Friday, of course, three members of the Candy-Ass Gang pleaded guilty to attempted murder with hate crime enhancements. Last Tuesday, 22-year-old Jason Samuel Gentile of Anaheim met his maker in Monrovia, at the hands of shooters that local police say are gang members. The initial reports didn't identify Gentile as a white supremacist, but a Pasadena Star-News follow-up found Gentile's MySpace page chockablock with neo-Nazi rhetoric and images.

Los Angeles County sheriff's detectives told reporters they suspect that Gentile's killers (his girlfriend was also shot but survived) murdered the guy because of gang affiliation–they belonged to a Latino gang, while Gentile belonged to another detectives refuse to identify at this point. But try telling that to local skinheads, who insist Gentile was murdered solely for being white.

“I heard the gun shots myself,” claimed one poster on the white-power circle jerk called Stormfront. He identified himself as a member of Freedom14, the local pendejos who are trying to make neo-Nazism respectable. “[Gentile] was targeted by 5 armed mexican gang
[sic] memers. because he was explicitly white.” The poster added Gentile was an “activist” and “wasn't a gang
member, he was a racial realist” before asking for donations to help pay for Gentile's cremation.

“There WILL be retaliation, eye for an eye, I can assure you,” an anonymous commentator posted on my Candy-Ass gang cover story. “The war is starting.”

Gentile's murder happened in an area that has just been put under gang injunction for racially motivated shootings–though not against white people, but Latinos and African-American gangsters targeting each other.

And before the haters begin: if it turns out that Gentile was murdered for being white and white alone, then this wab believes hate crime enhancements should be added against his killers. But if it's a gang thing, then it's a gang thing. Let's see how this develops…

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