Open Wide Sacramento Lobbyist Ho's: Here Comes Chris Norby

Hey, Sacramento lobbyist ho's: Slap on a new coat of makeup, spray on some designer perfume and dry the previous assemblyman's drippings out of your panties: Manmeat Chris Norby is on his way. 

Fiest your eyes above, ladies. Awwwwwwwww yeah!



As the Register's Total Buzz has blogged, termed out Orange County Supervisor Chris Norby has announced plans to run for the state Assembly seat left open by Mike Duvall's resignation.

Duvall, of course, is the Yorba Linda Republican who quickly resigned amid the uproar over the story our Scott Moxley broke about the assemblyman's Taxicab Confessions–made into a hot mic in a Capitol chamber–regarding the married father of two's extra-marital banging of at least two women.

That's private, consenting adult stuff (even though Duvall has hypocritcally portrayed himself as a morality cop). What made it troubling in a political suicide kind of way is one of the main Sacramento lobbyist ho's he was dripping out of–the one with the eye-patch panties–apparently represented utilities companies while Duvall sat as vice chairman of the Assembly's utilities oversight committee. 

So his departure opens the door wide for Norby, who has the name recognition, party affiliation (Republican) and needs-more-bran-in-his-diet attitude to easily waltz into the Assembly.

But, some advice to the Sacramento lobbyist ho's: While Duvall was a big, old, sweaty teddy bear you could quickly wear out with booze and half a BJ, Norby is more of a workout.

In other words, dust off the extreme bondage gear.

And some MAJOR advice for Norby: watch those hot mics!

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