One's PETA, the Other's Pitiful

Congrats to PETA Vice President (and Costa Mesa' own) Dan Mathews, whom Out Magazine named the 37th-most powerful gay in America earlier this month in its annual list of America's 50 most powerful gays. Buy Mathews' memoir, Committed: A Rabble-Rouser's Memoir, today. Congrats of a different sort are in order for Anaheim-reared Dustin “Screech from Saved by the Bell” Diamond, whom the Boston Phoenix deemed the 28th-most unsexiest man in America this week; he finished just above J-Lo's uglier half Marc Anthony and right below Mr. Blackwell. The Phoenix was harsh on Screech, describing him as a “shockingly deviant, cretinous former child star,” but we're sure Screech doesn't care: the man is too busy scamming fans again.

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