On Oct. 5, Catholic Diocese of Orange Bishop Tod D. Brown announced that the Orange diocese had settled four molestation claims against former lay employees for $6.685 million. Today, the Orange diocese is supposed to pay up–but plaintiff's attorney John Manly says Bishop Brown and his cronies have delayed too long. This morning, Manly sent out a letter to longtime diocesan lawyer (and Orange County's 14th scariest person this year) Peter Callahan expressing outrage over the fact he's not returning Manly's calls regarding the transfer of funds.
“There is no excuse for you or the Bishop to hold the settlement up,” Manly writes. “From my past dealings with your firm, I view this as just one more instance of your and your client's desire to further inflict pain on these poor women and further the truth.” Manly went on to describe the Church's inaction actions as “toxic vindictiveness that is simply difficult to understand.”
Manly and Callahan continue their tango Dec. 3, when Bishop Brown faces contempt-of-court charges.
Check here for updates on whether Brown does indeed pony up the dinero…